Art You Can Appreciate Beyond the Nursery

July 28, 2009

Still waiting for the baby’s arrival… She’s now five days past due date. Trying not to let nerves get to me. (Mother to Baby: Please comply!)

To pass the hours I’ve spent gobs of time thinking about ideal nursery–which won’t be happening this year, but doesn’t stop a crazed pregnant lady from dreaming. I would love to surround my children with art. Things that are fun, eye-catching, and which both the children and I can appreciate beyond the nursery years.

Here are five sources for art that fit the bill:

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New Editions Art Blue Box Cat by Rebecca Katz Blue Box Cat by Rebecca Katz>

Back in the driver’s seat. Finding control in the prenatal medical experience.

July 25, 2009

My exam was supposed to be routine.  In fact, I didn’t give it much thought.   At 37 weeks plus, your ob-gyn generally requests weekly appointments and often conducts a cervical exam during those, which involves manually measuring the cervix to see if there is any dialation or effacement.  This seemed entirely reasonable to me.  The first two exams had gone off without a hitch.  Some discomfort and minor cramping following the exam, but nothing much to speak of.

But my exam at 39 weeks was entirely different.  Read the rest of this entry »

Piddy preserver. Baby Footprint on sale at MOMA.

July 24, 2009


While I’m hesitant to push a product that advertises itself as being made of phenolic foam–this really is quite cool and unless you have three teeth, call yourself Marleeeeen Jo and are balancing a cheeseburger, baby, and cigarette, I think it’s highly unlikely that you will be smooshing your child’s pudgy little cheeks or lips into it.  Based on this assumption, I think we can deem this product relatively safe.  The best is that it’s a cheap, quick, sweet, and permanent reminder of those little piddies.

This would make the perfect baby shower gift.  On sale now at MOMA.

My boyfriend, Ricky Gervais

July 22, 2009

I seem to have a penchant for short, baldish, twitchy, and slightly chubby men, Ricky Gervais being at the top of my list, maybe tied with Matt Lucas from Little Britain (who is simply not of the vagina-appreciating persuasion), and working it’s way down to George Costanza and Homer Simpson.

Gervais and Stephen Merchant, whom I also heart (big googly eyes!), began filming their new movie Cemetery Junction this June.  I hope it’s good.  I really, really hope it’s good, because the teaser made me laugh and there’s been serious dearth of good comedy in theaters.

Check it out.

Ida Pearle’s ABCs

July 18, 2009

about-idaidapearleJIda Pearle is a New York artist who specializes in cut-paper collages.  I find her childrens work especially appealing.

Her alphabet cards would make a beautiful addition to a nursery.  I’m trying to imagine how exactly to display them…  Hanging from a string (there’s an example of this in Ida’s gallery photos) or perhaps just picking one or two to frame?

You can buy them directly through her website or through The Land of Nod.

Better than Bare

July 17, 2009

Pregnancy kicked my ass.

My body ballooned.  I gained over 50 lbs and progressed from a size 4 to a Maternity Large and XL in certain brands. (Anyone who thinks the weight gain is grossly unhealthy can go suck it–it’s not the weight gain that was unhealthy, it was my lack of bloody exercise.) I got really irritated with those twentysomething girls, who in response to maternity clothing dilemmas, would randomly post on various threads, “I only spent $150 on maternity clothes,” or “I just borrowed my boyfriend Robb’s t-shirts.”  You girls can go suck it, too.

This was definitely not my situation.  I was living in NY for half of my pregnancy: going out and dressing in a fairly professional manner were important to me.  And the drastic changes in my size meant at least three different trimester/sizes of clothes.  I decided to put comfort before cost and I don’t regret it.  I spent a lot of money on maternity clothes.  I tried this, I tried that.  Anything to feel comfortable and reasonably cute.

If you’re able to avoid it, spending a lot is certainly not an approach I’d advocate.  Here are some of the clothes and stores that I found to be staples.  Read the rest of this entry »

Woman on the brink

July 16, 2009

In one week (more or less) we should begin our passage into parenting.  A friend recently said that what I’m experiencing must be “intense.”  It’s both intense and mind-numbing.  I find myself puttering about in a semi-thoughtless state most of the time.  That or reeling with the impending change.

It’s going to be a good change.  Though I still find myself unable to wholly relate to women who post comments like, “I can’t wait to hold her.”  I’m excited to feel her and see her, but the pregnancy has been so immediate, such a phenomenal takeover, that I haven’t spent much time rhapsodizing about what it will be like after the birth.  There are certain things that I am keen to do:  I cannot wait to share books with her.  Beautifully illustrated picture and story books.  I’m looking forward to reading to her and to listening to Mr. Immaculata reading to her.  I think I’m also very excited to see her little toes and put those incredibly tiny little socks on her feet.  But of course, the reality for me, is that this is such a big leap, that I–who usually have the wildest imagination–find it very difficult to see beyond what’s happening to my body now.

I’ve been more than a little hung up on functionality; as in, it’s been over two months since I’ve been able to bathe comfortably, and yet I’m still in denial and try on an evening basis to get comfortable in the tub.  Horrible neck-crunching, godawful sounds–mewling, sputtering, and OOFs–an inability to prop myself up, and the awful deadening of my sausage hands when I try to read.  It’s just not worth it, yet lizard brain refuses to give up on the idea that tonight’s bath will be different.

These are things that keep me occupied, rather than trying to guess what color the baby’s hair is.  Shallow or just pragmatic?

Before this blog sets out on its correct foot (trials of a newbie mother), I thought I’d spend this next week or so reviewing things (be they clothing, stores, blogs, magazines, or procedures) that have kept me reasonably sane during my pregnancy.  Sound good?